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Best Practices For YouTube Mobile Live Streaming

Best Practices For YouTube Mobile Live Streaming

April 6, 2021
April 10, 2017

We recently attended an online course with YouTube that covered the best practices for mobile live streaming via the YouTube mobile app. We also got some insights into exactly how top creators are using mobile live streaming on YouTube and some of the results those creators are seeing. Continue reading to get the full breakdown of this course.

To start, YouTube shared some very impressive stats when it comes to mobile live streaming on the platform. First off, they noted that viewers end up watching live streams 4x longer than a regular YouTube video. YouTube found that channels that stream once a week see an overall 70% increase in watch time. This means that the increased audience retention and engagement on live streams benefit your channel’s overall metrics. Additionally, YouTube also saw that channels that streamed once a week were getting a 40% increase in subscribers. These statistics alone are great examples of how streaming even once a week through mobile can be an effective way to see improvement on your channel.

Setting up a mobile live stream on YouTube is extremely easy. First, you have to make sure your channel is verified and has over 1,000 subscribers. Next, download the latest version of the YouTube mobile app, launch the app, and grant YouTube permission to access your phone's camera. After that, follow the below steps to set up your mobile live stream:

Tap onto the + icon at the bottom of the screen

You will then choose a title for your video, select privacy settings, and click next

Next step is to take a picture for your thumbnail:

When you’re ready click Go Live to begin your broadcast

After the stream, you can publish the footage on your channel for people to view it whenever they want or you also have the option to delete the video. Don’t forget to read our blog about Super Chats as well, as they can be an effective way to optimize your streams.

Some creative practices to keep in mind when streaming:

· Keep your audience engaged and involved - Tease a big reveal early in the stream which you lead up to, and keep viewers in suspense during the stream. Towards the end, consider asking your viewers what they would like to see on the next stream.

· Give the audience exclusive access - This is especially important for musicians. Give the viewers a behind-the-scenes look at your recording studio or music video shoot. Possibly tease a few unreleased songs. All of these are great examples of how you can use streaming to make a special connection with your audience, and leave them wanting more.

· End on a high note - When ending off your stream, leave with a strong call to action, asking viewers to subscribe or watch a new release. You can even lead them to an external website where they can access content by plugging in their email address. From there you can notify them directly about your upcoming live streams and video releases.

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