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YouTube Thumbnail A/B Testing

YouTube Thumbnail A/B Testing

June 23, 2023
June 23, 2023

YouTube has been working on a feature called Test & Compare, also referred to as A/B thumbnail testing, in collaboration with a select group of several hundred creators over the past few months. This feature aims to help creators choose their video thumbnails and improve the performance of their content.

Test & Compare is a tool that allows creators to assess and compare the effectiveness of up to three different thumbnails. By conducting A/B tests, creators can gain valuable insights into how different thumbnail options perform and determine which one is most engaging and impactful for their videos.

While the feature is still in the refinement and testing phase, YouTube has plans to release a beta version in the near future, catering to a few thousand creators. The YouTube team is actively working towards making this tool more widely available, with a broader rollout expected next year. This development is in response to the numerous requests from creators who have been eagerly awaiting such a feature. By leveraging Test & Compare, creators will have the ability to make data-driven decisions when it comes to their thumbnail strategies, ultimately leading to more informed choices and improved video performance.

See below for a sample screenshot of this new feature:

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